Image by Tõnu Tunnel (remixed by CALDWELL)

Image by Tõnu Tunnel (remixed by CALDWELL)


Sonic Retreat WAITLIST Sign Up

We will contact you by FRIDAY NOON if slots open up

As part of the photo+sphere festival, MAP + REVOLVE are sponsoring a FREE 3 hour workshop investigating and collecting field recordings, photographs and writings on Saturday NOVEMBER 10TH FROM 9AM - 12N. Participants are encouraged (*but not required) to supply their own headphones + smartphones. Workshop leaders Jess Speer & Kimathi Moore, along with program director Colby Caldwell will facilitate a lively and interactive experience in Asheville and beyond. All levels of interest are welcomed. Participants will also meet at REVOLVE at 2:30pm on Friday November 9th for a meet and greet/organizing gathering (with drinks and snacks!).